What are Multiple Intelligences? It has been claimed by some researchers that our Intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others. Instead of having one Intelligence it is claimed that we have several different Intelligences. There are 8 the main Intelligences.
What is about me...The strongest intelligences are logical and interpersonal. So it means that I am good at mathematics or other number activities, good at solving problems. Also, I should have an ability to interact with people, understand them and interpret their behavior. In my opinion, it is very good point, especially for my profession.
In the second place are 3 intelligences with 17 points. There are intrapersonal, kinaesthetic and visual. I strongly believe that I understand myself, know about my strenghts and weaknesses. Moreover, it's true that I enjoy sport - I was a proffesional runner. But absolutely it's not true that I am good at art.
In the third place is naturalistic intelligence. I agree with it, because I love, not much, but love animals. I have a cat, sometimes we are friends but often and often we are enemies.
However, I absolutely don't agree that linguistic intelligence is only in the 4th place. It's not true, because I like reading, writing and especially talking about things.
And my weakest intelligence is musical. I need to develop this in order to recognise sounds, quality of a tone.
All in all, Multiple Intelligence are eight different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability.