2010 m. lapkričio 13 d., šeštadienis

Richard Wiseman

Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology at the University in the United Kingdom. R. Wiseman has written three best selling books, one of them is “The Luck Factor”.
In this self-help book, professor has published the main principles of good and bad luck. He showed that both good and bad luck result from measurable habits; for example, lucky people, by expecting good luck, might expend more effort in their endeavour, resulting in more success, reinforcing their belief in good luck. Lucky people are outgoing and observant and therefore have many more chance encounters than unlucky people, each of which could bring a lucky opportunity. Moreover lucky people are more likely to look on the bright side of 'bad' encounters. In a mental exercise describing being shot during a bank robbery, lucky people considered themselves lucky not to have been killed while unlucky people considered themselves unlucky to have been shot.
All in all, professor exactly showed the lives and minds of lucky people.

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