2011 m. gegužės 18 d., trečiadienis


As you all know, I am studying psychology at MRU. So, I decided to share my thoughts about my English course.

ESP vocabulary tests - it was quite hard for me to write ESP tests in class. It was difficult to remember all definitions. However, I strongly believe that it will be very useful in the future.

Writing summaries – it was one of the hardest tasks in English course. because It is difficult to understand what I should mention in the text and how it should looks like.

Speaking Impromptu/short talks - the speaking task was the most frightening, because I am not good at speaking in English. Sometimes I do not know which English word I should use, what I should say. I think I did not perform well at short talks, I found it easier to write than to speak.

Moodle tests - I found it quite easily, because we were writing it at home and I could look at book and check the grammar of definitions. Also, I feel that my vocabulary is improved and developed.

Online listening in class – It was one of the most interesting task in the class. However, sometimes I could not understand what was said, the words were said too fast. Listening to cassettes very helps students to improve English language. However, sometimes I found it difficult to remember and also to understand information in audio, because of my visual memory.

Power Point Presentation - This is my favourite activity in classes. It was very interesting to search new information about Adolescence. It was quite easy for me to prepare and represent PPP.

To sum up, I can said, that I am happy but also understand that I should improve my English skills more and more.

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